Including Normal Battery Depletion – This curve includes devices that have reached at least 80% of expected longevity. This curve is most representative of clinical performance and how long the device will last.
Excluding Normal Battery Depletion – This is the malfunction free survival curve.
Longevity estimates based on the following device usage.
Pace/Sense Mode DDD ;
Atrial Pulse Width 0.4 ms;
Right Ventricle Pulse Width 0.4 ms;
Lower Pace Rate 60 bpm;
Right Ventricle Percent Paced 100 %;
Upper Sensing Rate 130 ppm;
Atrial Percent Paced 100 %;
Left Ventricle Pulse Width 0.4 ms;
Left Ventricle Pulse Amplitude same as A, RV;
Left Ventricle Percent Paced 100 %;
Left Ventricle Lead Impedance same as A, RV;
EGM Prestorage ON ;
EGM Prestorage ON Time 1 ;
Atrial Fib Percent of Time 0 %
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Distribution Data
US Market Release
CE Approval Date
Registered USA Implants
Estimated Active USA Implants
Normal Battery Depletions
US Market Release
CE Approval Date
Estimated WW Distribution
Normal Battery Depletions
Malfunctions (USA)
Therapy Function Not Compromised
Therapy Function Compromised
Malfunctions (WW)
Therapy Function Not Compromised
Electrical Component
Possible Early Battery Depletion
Therapy Function Compromised
EOL Indicator
6 months after RRT
Recommended Replacement (RRT)
180 days after 3 consecutive daily automatic measurements of battery voltage less than or equal to 2.63 V or immediately after 3 consecutive daily automatic measurements of less than or equal to 2.60 V, whichever comes first